Family B Index Family B Sources
91. B02[3]334 WILLIAM P6 GILMORE (John McDaniel5, Henry G4, Huriah3, Huriah/Hughriah “Hugh”2, ?1) was born about 1846 in IL52. He married Cassinda Barnett on 03 Apr 1866 in Greene Co., IL46. She was born about 1849 in IL43.William P Gilmore and Cassinda Barnett had the following children:
i. B02[3]3341 ANNA7 GILMORE was born about 1868 in IL43.
ii. B02[3]3342 CHILD GILMORE was born about 1871 in IL165.
iii. B02[3]3343 CHILD GILMORE was born about 1873 in IL165.
iv. B02[3]3344 CHILD GILMORE was born about 1875 in IL165.
v. B02[3]3345 ALMA GILMORE was born in Jan 1878 in IL44.
vi. B02[3]3346 EFFIE GILMORE was born about 1879 in IL44.
vii. B02[3]3347 HARRY GILMORE was born in Sep 1882 in IL55.
viii. GB02[3]3348 ERTIE GILMORE was born in Jan 1885 in IL55.
ix. B02[3]3349 HALL GILMORE was born in Jun 1887 in IL55.
x. B02[3]334(10) VERDA GILMORE was born in Dec 1889 in IL55.
92. B02[3]335 SARAH A6 GILMORE (John McDaniel5, Henry G4, Huriah3, Huriah/Hughriah “Hugh”2, ?1) was born about 1850 in IL52. She died before 1900 in Greene Co., IL55. She married Jesse Ash on 21 Jan 1868 in Greene Co., IL46. He was born in Mar 1848 in IL55.
Jesse Ash and Sarah A Gilmore had the following children:
151. i. B02[3]3351 VIRGINIA “JENNIE” R.7 ASH was born in Dec 1869 in IL43. She married William Berry about 1894. He was born in 1862 in KY55.
ii. B02[3]3352 EDDIE ASH was born about 1872 in IL166.
iii. B02[3]3353 LILY ASH was born in Jun 1874 in IL55.
iv. B02[3]3354 FRANKLIN ASH was born about 1878 in IL44.
v. B02[3]3355 HATTIE ASH was born about 1880 in IL44.
93. B02[3]351 WILLIAM6 GILMORE (William H.5, Henry G4, Huriah3, Huriah/Hughriah “Hugh”2, ?1) was born in 1840 in IL51. He died about 1873 in IL107. He married Sarah Gertrude Howard on 01 Oct 1862 in Morgan Co., IL46. She was born about 1842 in IL108.
William Gilmore and Sarah Gertrude Howard had the following children:
i. B02[3]3511 LEONORA7 GILMORE was born about 1864 in IL108.
ii. B02[3]3512 OSCAR GILMORE was born about 1866 in IL108.
iii. B02[3]3513 ROSELIE GILMORE was born about 1869 in IL108.
iv. B02[3]3514 GRACE GILMORE was born about 1872 in IL167.
94. B02[3]381 MARY CAROLINE6 SPENCER (Elizabeth5 Gilmore, Henry G4 Gilmore, Huriah3 Gilmore, Huriah/Hughriah “Hugh”2 Gilmore, ?1 Gilmore) was born about 1836 in IL52. She married Albert Goacher on 25 Mar 1851 in Greene Co., IL46. He was born about 1833 in IL42.
Albert Goacher and Mary Caroline Spencer had the following children:
i. B02[3]3811 SARAH7 GOACHER was born about 1855 in IL42.
152. ii. B02[3]3812 JAMES H/A GOACHER was born in Mar 1858 in IL168. He married Nancy A about 1875 in Greene Co., IL55. She was born in Apr 1858 in IL55.
iii. B02[3]3813 CLARINETTE GOACHER was born about 1879 in IL44.
95. B02[3]382 CELIA J.6 SPENCER (Elizabeth5 Gilmore, Henry G4 Gilmore, Huriah3 Gilmore, Huriah/Hughriah “Hugh”2 Gilmore, ?1 Gilmore) was born in Mar 1843 in IL52. She married Samuel Goacher on 10 Apr 1856 in Greene Co., IL46. He was born in Jul 1830 in IL42.
Notes for Celia J. Spencer:
Yes, she was only 13 years old when she married and was 14 years old when she had her first child.
Samuel Goacher and Celia J. Spencer had the following children:
153. i. B02[3]3821 WILEY7 GOACHER was born about 1857 in IL42. He married Martha about 1877 in IL169. She was born in Sep 1858 in IL.
ii. B02[3]3822 JOHN W. GOACHER was born in Dec 1862 in IL43.
iii. B02[3]3823 LUDELIA GOACHER was born in Feb 1869 in IL43.
96. B02[3]383 SARAH E.6 SPENCER (Elizabeth5 Gilmore, Henry G4 Gilmore, Huriah3 Gilmore,
Huriah/Hughriah “Hugh”2 Gilmore, ?1 Gilmore) was born in Mar 1850 in IL55. She married John I Story on 05 Jan 1868 in Greene Co., IL46. He was born in Jan 1843 in IL55.
John I Story and Sarah E. Spencer had the following children:
i. B02[3]3831 HARRY A.7 STORY was born about 1868 in IL109.
ii. B02[3]3832 DELOS W. STORY was born about 1876 in IL55.
97. B02[3]384 JOHN T.6 SPENCER (Elizabeth5 Gilmore, Henry G4 Gilmore, Huriah3 Gilmore, Huriah/Hughriah “Hugh”2 Gilmore, ?1 Gilmore) was born about 1854 in IL52. He married Margaret about 1874 in Greene Co., IL110. She was born in Nov 1850 in IL55.
John T. Spencer and Margaret had the following children:
i. B02[3]3841 HERBERT E7 SPENCER was born about 1875 in IL44.
ii. B02[3]3842 WALTER E SPENCER was born in Nov 1877 in IL55.
iii. B02[3]3843 CHILD SPENCER was born date Unknown in IL170.
iv. B02[3]3844 CLYDE SPENCER was born in Jan 1883 in IL171.
98. B02[3]385 PETER W.6 SPENCER (Elizabeth5 Gilmore, Henry G4 Gilmore, Huriah3 Gilmore, Huriah/Hughriah “Hugh”2 Gilmore, ?1 Gilmore) was born in Aug 1858 in IL52. He married Phoeby L about 1876 in IL111. She was born in Oct 1855 in IL55.
Peter W. Spencer and Phoeby L had the following children:
i. B02[3]3851 ADA MYRTLE7 SPENCER was born in Jun 1877 in IL55.
ii. B02[3]3852 CHILD SPENCER was born date Unknown in IL172.
iii. B02[3]3853 ARTHUR M. SPENCER was born in Apr 1885 in IL55.
99. B02[3]3(10)2 WILLIAM FRANCIS6 BROWN (Celia5 Gilmore, Henry G4 Gilmore, Huriah3 Gilmore, Huriah/Hughriah “Hugh”2 Gilmore, ?1 Gilmore) was born about 1848 in IL52. He married Emmerellia about 1869 in IL112. She was born about 1848 in OH43.
William Francis Brown and Emmerellia had the following children:
i. B02[3]3(10)21 HENRY7 BROWN was born about 1870 in IL44.
ii. B02[3]3(10)22 EDWARD BROWN was born about 1872 in IL44.
iii. B02[3]3(10)23 ROBERT BROWN was born about 1876 in IL44.